Sourcing Cases
Below you will find three different sourcing issues faced by our Sourcing team in the past. Please study each of the issue and share with us how you would deal with each of the issues if you were the Account Manager. Feel free to offer more than 1 solution for each Case.
Total Time Allowed: 20 Minutes
Case 1 – Snorkel Mask
Our client asked us to source a product called “Snorkel Mask”. We sourced the product and sent one shipment to the client worth $30,000. Then the client comes back to place a repeat order. We place the order with the factory and sign the contract.
However, after receiving the deposit for the order the factory tells us that they cannot make exactly the same product for us, because they have been contacted by their other client selling exactly the same product and told not to supply us.
Their other client is an old customer of the factory and is currently a bigger buyer than us. They are also a direct competitor of our client. We have already carried out a lot of sourcing and no other factory can make the exact same product.
Please answer the question in page 1 of the form below.
Case 2 – Delay in Sending Logistics Documents
We have a customer in the UK to whom we regularly send FCL sea shipments. However, often the BL is sent late to the customer because of delay by our logistics agent. This results in the client having to pay demurrage charges at the port and also delays his shipments. The client is extremely unhappy about this.
Please answer the question in page 2 of the form below.
Case 3 – Chinese New Year Headaches
Every year during the Chinese New Year we have several issues, like the Customers orders getting delayed by the factories, customers placing orders too late despite us reminding them to place orders early and then expecting delivery before Chinese New Year.
Please answer the question in page 3 of the form below.