Sample Product: VR Headset

Stage 1: Time Limit: 15 Minutes
Please take a good look at the product provided. This is a “VR Headset” sample provided by the client that we need to source. The client’s name is Roger. The client is looking to source the “exact same” product. You need to study the product carefully and research the product online. You can use any website you want in order to find out more information about the product, its specifications, usage, etc.
While carrying out your research, please take notes in the following 3 categories:
  • Product Notes – Any notes you want to take about the product that helps you understand the product better.
  • Questions for Client – Questions that you would like to ask the client about his Sourcing Requirements.
  • Questions for Factories – Questions you would like to ask the Factory in order to gather more information about the product.

Notice: Please answer the questions in the below form.


Stage 2: No Time Limit
You will be introduced to the VR Factory Sales Manager (Role played by an existing Account Manager). You have the chance to have a meeting with them and ask them any questions you want to ask in order to improve your understanding of the product, and you should also get a quote from them.
There is no Time Limit for this task,   you can take as little time as you want or as much time as you want. You have to ASSUME you are talking to the VR Factory Sales Manager and not an IMEX Employee.

Notice: In this stage, you are not required to answer questions on the form.


Stage 3: Client Report – Time Limit – 10 Minutes
Now you have had the chance to see the product sample, research the product online and meet the sales manager.
However, the client has been too busy hence he has not yet been able to answer your questions. But the client requires you to email him a report of all the research you have done so far and give him an approximate quote for the product.
You are free to include whatever information you want in the email and make it as simple or as detailed as you want. The goal of your email should be to provide all the information that the client needs in order to make a “Purchase Decision” based on the limited information that he provided you as well as give him an idea of the approximate price. You may include any other information that you think is necessary. You are not allowed to copy-paste large sections of text from the internet.

Notice: Please answer the questions in the below form.

My Fieldset
  1. (required)
  2. (valid email required)